Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment.

Ansel Adams

60 Days 2023 Edition…Part 1

I tried. I headed in to 2023 excited with the plan of reaching the goal of 60 days of landscape photography. (You can read my 60 Days blog from last year here). Like last year, it didn’t happen. 40 days seem to be my sweet spot.

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Why Film?

In the age of digital photography shooting with film seems a bit silly, but film seems to be making a comeback. I own a Canon A1 that I bought in 1987 that I have dusted off and started using again.

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Latest Blog Posts

60 Days…Part 2

Here are the second batch of 20 images from 2022 in which I attempted to get 60 days of landscape photography under my belt. 

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