60 Days…part 2.
Here are the second batch of 20 images from 2022 in which I attempted to get 60 days of landscape photography under my belt. (If you haven’t read the previous blog showing the first 20, check it out below).
One of the (my) challenges of being a landscape photographer in Boise is that Boise (and the surrounding area) are boring to photograph. Boise sits on a river bed in the high desert at an elevation of 2700ft. It’s flat. Sure, there are the foothills but they are treeless. Higher up you will hit the tree line but the trees are of the lodgepole pine variety, which for the most part, are ugly. Excuses, all I hear are excuses.
We’re into the new year and I know I need to shoot more, much more, to come away with more portfolio worthy images. In 2023 I will reach the goal of 60 days of landscape photography and hopefully more. In this second set of images, you’ll see a few wildlife images, some infrared, an ICM (intentional camera movement) image, and a polished turd (turning a crap image into a black and white as a last resort to make something out of nothing).
Enjoy. And remember to click on the images to open a full-sized gallery.